Sunday, October 5, 2008

More information

Who knew there was so much involved with reading?? It's something that we often take for granted as it is so detailed. This only escalates when we add in the writing component.

The video that we watched was quite informative. At one point, they mention Retinitis Pigmentosa or RP. My husband's aunt has RP so I found it interesting to learn a little bit as to what causes it. The video mentions that rods die away and as a result the images we see never get to the brain. RP is an inherited disease so it is something that my family should be aware of and know more about. Due to her RP, my husband's aunt uses a modifies keyboard for her computer. She attached white stickers with black letters to help them to stand out. Also, the layout of her email is white text on a black background to help her read it. I will try to attach a picture of her keyboard to give you a visual.

6 Levels of Phonemic Awareness

1. Knowledge of nursery rhymes
2. Matching the sounds in words
3. Syllable splitting
4. Blending Sounds
5. Phenomic Segmentation
6. Phenomic Manipulation

The following graphic was from Dr. Maria Scherer:

Photo of Dr. Scherer:

I must say that I am looking forward to learning how the technology works. Wordmaker and Kurzweil here I come!

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